2009年3月18日 星期三

林青霞 秦漢鴛鴦戲水~鳳飛飛開金嗓唱: 一顆紅豆!

Feng Fei Fei was the most popular singer in Taiwan from 1974 ~~ 1982 !

Even Teresa or Jenny don't have so many fans than her ! She cooperated

with Qiong Yao for long time. Songs , Films, TV Shows combined to make

her showbiz career on the peak around all Asia !

夏初蕾(林青霞) 與梁致文(秦漢) ,在河邊鴛鴦戲水! 林青霞小露香肩,

表情很鬼馬俏皮! 秦漢則是一副_羞澀靦腆大男孩模樣!

我很小還在上幼稚園的時候~ 看到鳳飛飛的綜藝節目:她唱的歌,

我最喜歡就是這首: 一顆紅豆 ! 歌詞 旋律 ~單純得像兒歌:

卻百聽不厭 , 至今仍令人回味 !

1 則留言:

  1. Fong Fei Fei is one of my favorite singer.. I like her movie theme songs especially this 'A Love Seed'. It's so soooo.....thing....
