2009年3月24日 星期二

林黛= 東方瑪麗蓮夢露 ~Lin Dai= Asia Marilyn Monroe!

當今五十歲以上的華人(內地之外)或亞洲人~ 一定忘不了這個名字: 和那張

絕世艷容!林黛~ 華語百年影史上: 堪稱最紅之女明星! 她的大眼睛.

明眸皓齒. 高挺鼻樑. 豐唇笑顏!如同洋娃娃的美貌~以及無人能及

的演藝事業: 四屆亞太影后~長達十三年的票房冠軍記錄!

高到不能再高的片酬! 與紅顏薄命三十年的一生~都已成傳奇中的經典!

她的走紅時期與另一位天皇巨星李麗華~剛好重疊! 但小咪姐是紅的長久~

若以一九五三年至六七年間:兩人走紅的火力猛度相較: 林黛又略勝一籌!

她本名程月如: 一九三四年出生於桂林~父親是李宗仁的拜把兄弟!

一九六四年自殺時: 年僅三十歲! 所以國際間都認為她的美麗與傳奇~

是亞洲的瑪麗蓮夢露! 自殺後的五部影片~陸續完成推出:仍為邵氏

賺進數不清的銀子! 尤其六六年的"藍與黑" ~上映時適逢大陸鬧文革:

天時地利~人不和下:再度勇摘 , 全亞洲年度票房總冠軍! ~ ~

{黑漆漆~陰沉沉~你讓我在這兒癡癡地等: 賺走所有海外東南亞

~華人的眼淚與鈔票! } 影史上無人能及!

Linda ~Lin Dai , She is the most popular & famous super

star in Chinese Cinema History , also be called Asian

Marilyn Monroe or Oriental Liz Taylor ! By her absolute

beauty & talent & charisma , she made the most

splendid records on box office & won four times of

Best Actress of Asia Film Festival !! Since 1953 to 1967 ,

This period in Asia was Queen Lin Dai 's own stage .

But she just lived 30 years . In 1964 , committed suicide

and all HK citizens rushed on the streets to see her last sight !

On my clips , the former was" Blue v.s. Black " , 1966 top

Hit in Asia box. Two years after she died the film finished

then released : By China Cultural Revolution breaking , it made

all S.E. Asia Chinese , bursted into tears seeing it , then

Shaw Brothers CO. made great fortune again . The later was

"Love Without Ending " , Lin Dai 's 4th Asia Awards of 1962

Box Hit ! She was true legend , no more records ,

or another one could replace her !

